The Quran is the religion book that is scientifically proven by the scientist and science. This is a religious Holy Book of Muslims which talks about their Dharama. This book was revealed fourteen centuries ago and it has all such facts that are discovered to be scientifically Proven. Continue to read more facts about Which Religion Book is Scientifically Proven.
One need to understand the simple philosophy behind this book. Quaran is not a book of science, instead it is book that contains scientific discoveries. Among the four major Holy Books of Four Dharama, it is the one that disclosed such facts which were proven to be scientific when researched.
This article doesn’t talk about any particular religion through their information. It is a research work which provides an information about a Holy Book which scientifically in nature. We justify ourselves as a source of information for your thoughts and search!
About Quran
The Quran, which is also named as Qur’an or Koran is the religious text or written books of Islam. This represent the Islamic Dharam. Muslims people believe this written text as the words of Allah.
They worship this book, during their Namaz they memories the text of Quran. They respect, admire and worship their religion book. A book which is scientifically proven as it discovers the facts that were unknown few decades back.
This book consists 114 Chapters that is believed to be a revelation from God. There are various verses in each chapter. Visit Wikipedia site to know everything about Islam religion
Amazing Facts about a religion book that is scientifically proven
- This scientifically book have same parallels to Bible
- It is recognized and known by different names, apart from The Quran.
- To read this book one must follow all the guidelines that are proposed to be followed.
- Community that follows Islam memorized this book as they believe it as words of God.
- It doesn’t appreciate wrong pronunciation of the writing.
- This book has such hidden facts which were discovered to be proven scientific when researched.
- It has over 114 Chapter with number of verses in each chapter.
- This is only of the most respected Holy Book which is followed and worshiped by Muslim Community.
Why Quran is marked to be a religion book with scientific remarks?
It is contending that this book abounds with the facts that are scientific and are proven by the scientist. Even before the existence of the science it delivered that facts that were scientific in nature. Among the other Holy Book, the written notes of this book were only discovered to be relatable with science.
Our specialized and highly educated scientists had performed research through which they came to a conclusion. This a true fact that if you assert the current time of scientific truths with Quran it indicates a relativity. This statement or question overlaps with the Islamic Creationism.
It is not a book of science!
This book doesn’t teach science it is a fact that it has proven to be a scientific book. This is a book of Signs, which indicates the existence of God’s in this universe. It has been discovered that it is consistent to science.
How does it justify the statement of being a book of Signs but not science?
Various debates and talks have been already occurred on this statement. The followers of Quran have clarified that why it is not a book of science. This is a Holy Book, a book which represents the words of peace and facts.
It is a book of Signs, marks that represent the presence of God’s. One of the important notes is he consider that it is not a book which talks about science as a subject, the chapters of Quran are consistent with science.
It is scientifically proven that this religion book has already encrypted facts that are found just two years back. This book was written and discovered fourteen centuries back; it is relatable to the current facts which are been discovered by the scientist. A reason why this book is termed with a philosophy of Scientific reasoning’s.
Possible Reasons to be Proven Scientific
This book consists facts that are now being relatable to the discoveries of science. It is a book of Signs and not science. This book is worship by the people who follow Islam. It has been discovered that it contains various scientific which are proven now.
This is not science; it doesn’t talk about logic and reasoning. This book was recognized as a medium to connect with God, it is consistent to science but it has nothing to do with it. There are various scientific facts attached to this ultimate reality.
What’s you believe, this is not a topic of getting personal or serious but everything has a reason behind it. Each and every Holy Book have its own place and value in the heart of people.
List of Holy Books
These are the names of the main religious texts for the world’s largest religions, it includes:
- Bhagavat Gita – Hinduism
This is a religion book of Hindu Community. It is believed that this book was recite by the Lod Krishna himself during the Mahabharata. He recites this lesson to his devotee Arjun during the fight. This Holy Book conceive the biggest following worldwide.
- Quran – Islam
This book is followed and memorized the Muslim Community. It is believed to be one of the purest writings which talks about equity and peace with love. This book is one such religion book that is consider to be a scientific proven.
- Bible – Christianity
People who belong to the Christian community worship Bible as their Holy Book. This book talks about Jesus and his messages. It is all about peace and equality. They have their won rituals and ways to connect with Jesus, Almighty!
- Torah – Judaism
Torah is one of the most popular Holy Book alone with the listed categories. It is followed by the Judaism community.
- Guru Granth Sahib – Sikhism
People who belong to Sikhism Community praise Gurunath ji Saheb as their Prabhu. They always admire their Guru Govind Nath Ji.
- Tripitaka – Buddhism
People who are impressed with Lord Buddha, started their own community which is popularly known as Buddhism Community. They do meditation and follow the path of Buddha.
In conclusion of which religion book is scientifically proven, It is found that scientists are able to discover few facts that are relatable to the theory of Quran. This is the reason this book is recognized with an honor of scientifically proven book. There are various debates going on this topic but, this is what research scientist believes.
Disclaimer:- This article doesn’t promote any caste, religion, culture or tradition. This theory only talks about the statement and hidden secrets behind it. Each and every people have their own beliefs and Holy book to admire. We hope that the we have successfully answered your question.
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