Proxiyum is a web proxy, a medium to break all blocked channels for you. It is a type of web proxy which is the best alternative to options like VPN in the market. They work specifically, it doesn’t serve the whole traffic, it serves the pages.
If you’re stuck with a content and are not able to uncover it due to some blockage then, this is a solution for it. If we compare it to the angles of VPN and Web Proxy, they both have the same purpose but their population size is completely different.
This web proxy looks over each angles and helps to unblock the codes without being detected. They use variant IP Address which helps them to switch their channel again and again.
Understanding The Proxiyum
Proxiyum is a free proxy medium or site which can help the people to crack all the blocked platforms and channels to watch. But why? There are various channels that are banned by the government or are blocked due to some policies, rules or regulations. So, is it legal to unblock those sites? No, it isn’t legal at all. It supports some of the most popular channel and websites which includes:
- YouTube
- Twitter and
- Adult Sites
Most of the people uses this site to unlock the key of Adult entertainment websites and pages. This isn’t ethical at all but, it is what it is. Popular social media pages allow their faces to be explored on the basis of the country acceptance.
This model was created to break such boundaries only. It is can be used for the positive sides too. If you are unable to watch any specific content download this website and unblock it within few seconds.
Features of Proxiyum
Features can make a website more excellent and effective that users are always ready to choose. So, here we have mentioned those special characteristics of proxiyum’s platform below:
- Anonymous Access: It allows users to access the websites that are restricted in their areas without telling their identity and hiding your IP address This leads you to have a worry free accessing experience.
- Supportable in All OS: It can be used in all operating systems as it is supportable in all OS without any hassle or restrictions.
- No limit: There is no limit on the platform, you can open numerous platforms in a single day just by using the URL of the site.
How to Use Proxiyum?
You have already read about this work and process the results.
- Search for their official site on the browser.
- Open it and then paste the URL link which is not getting accessed.
- Paste in their column and it will open it for you.
This service is completely free for you and that is what makes it more competitive and user- friendly.
Services of Proxiyum
- Unblock Channels
- Reduce Latency rate
- Improve Network Connectivity
- Improve Performance
- No Advertisement and Constraint policy
- Saves Data
Top 9 Advantages of Proxiyum
- It helps to access the blocked sites to watch.
- An open door to adult entertainment websites.
- This doesn’t impact the speed of the internet during the process.
- It allow the access without displaying any advertisement and constraint in the middle. Of the entertainment.
- It reduced the latency by giving the copy of the webpage.
- It is user friendly and simple to use.
- To access simply paste the URL link on the web proxy and it will redirect it to the homepage.
- This is also used to improve the network connectivity and performance.
- It saves the data with the help of creating temporary webpages.
How does Proxiyum protect themselves?
It hides their identity by using unique IP Address. It encrypts the internet connectivity and makes it untraceable to get caught.
It uses SSL Encrypted websites which keeps it safe and secure. It protects by creating g encrypted link between various network computers. They create permalink which is completely packed and safe, it can be even shared with others to unblock visuals for them.
They claim that their web proxy supports the best and updated modern web standards. These standards are used as documentation for various applications. It helps them to decode the technical and standard angels of the web pages.
What is their USP?
USP Stands for Unique Selling Proposition. One of the major USP is the reason for which it was created. There is no such boundaries that it can’t break.
One additional element that makes them more competitive and advance is their support. It support unlimited download, there is no such limits on downloading content. It act as a medium between the network and the users and connect them to the local network without declining the internet speed.
Proxiyum V/s VPN
The basic difference between the two is that web proxy is applicable to solve specific blockage problem where as VPN serve the whole traffic.
Their working model of their concept are completely different. The impact of both the individuals creates differences. It doesn’t demand the installation of software to execute the results on the other VPN requires to serve the traffic.
Web proxy results quickly as it doesn’t require additional software, VPN requires installation to provide solution.
Similarity between them: Both the sources are used to unblocked channels. It might not be the best ethical option to be explore but they act in same way. Both the portal demands the input and then they direct it to the unblock version of it.
Reasons of Blockage
- Some of the sites are not allowed to be open up as per the government orders.
- Different countries have different rules and regulations, it demands permission for the accessibility.
- The content might contain bad influencing power which can be the possible reason of its ban.
Proxiyum is a solution to the content which people are not able to access because of ban or blockage. Some of the contents are bound to be closed but people use such sites to open it, is it ethical or not? Opinion! If you take it as a real problem then yes, this is a solution for many attempts. It is completely free and have number of benefits which is what people adore. This is not an exact replacement for VPN, they both have different responsibilities to play. Proxyium is an unique site which allow you to open up the closed bottles. It is a true solution if you need, be a smart chooser and maintain your privacy.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, the web proxy of in this platform is free and does not charge money.
It helps users to access the platform that is unblocked and restricted.
There is no fixed time of using a web proxy, you can use it anytime as per your requirements.
No, there is no effect of web proxy on the performance of the internet as it uses the cache memory.
The information available in the article is presented on the basis of our true research. Also, the content is for information purposes only. We do not take ownership of the platform.